These two problems test your ability to count possible arrangements in the context of the problem given. #36 requires you to understand each intersection arrangement between two circles can at most be 2 intersections per circle pair. # intersections = count of possible intersections x max. intersections/pair. #39 may look like a prime number problem, but it really is a problem about counting the number of arrangements of composite factors.
How well do you know how to count different arrangements? It can often be tricky, but rewarding when you get pretty good at it!
Did you get the answers to #36 and #39 correct?
These two problems test your ability to count possible arrangements in the context of the problem given. #36 requires you to understand each intersection arrangement between two circles can at most be 2 intersections per circle pair. # intersections = count of possible intersections x max. intersections/pair. #39 may look like a prime number problem, but it really is a problem about counting the number of arrangements of composite factors.
How well do you know how to count different arrangements? It can often be tricky, but rewarding when you get pretty good at it!