Do not be discouraged. If you received 3 out of 5 or lower. Our classroom tutorials will be helpful and they cover the material in this sample test and much more!
I know the grade results indicate anything less than 5 out of 5 requires additional prep work, but I think this test is more challenging than average. A 4 out of 5 is an excellent score on this sample…verbal or math. If you get 5 out of 5 you are probably really well prepared, but extra challenging problems and tips can never hurt especially when they cost you very little compared to other test prep options. You have only one chance to take the SHSAT & TJHSST exams this year and we have some material you don’t want to miss!
Great name! The exam will have a wider variety of questions. Overall, some will be easier and some more difficult. In general, I believe student scores will be close to or slightly above recent practice exam results. Good luck!
In theory that is possible. The exam is not the only criteria for admission. However, I would not want to take the risk of underperforming on one section and hope to be bailed out by the other parts of your application. Admission is very competitive and less than 1 in 5 applicants generally get accepted. I see you enrolled in the free level and took one exam several times. I suggest accessing more practice material with a subscription plan available for $35 or less now. Also, the best option in my opinion is to join a live online tutoring class for $99.95 per month (~$5/hr). It is an extremely competitive price for quality tutoring and the best way to make sure you are as well prepared for the exam as possible.
I have a question. I’m really strong in math but language arts isn’t my best but I can still do good. What are some ways to structure the essay to score the most points possible? Also, what are some things I have to do in the interview so that I can get it?
It is properly stated, “I can do well.” Good is an adjective, and well is an adverb modifying the verb “do” in this case. If you are a subscriber, you will have access tutorials on structuring essays, and you can also practice essays and have them reviewed. Additionally, we have tutoring classes that cover essay writing and even a special class to review and practice your interview skills.
I scored well on the short sample test, but I think I could still use help.
Do not be discouraged. If you received 3 out of 5 or lower. Our classroom tutorials will be helpful and they cover the material in this sample test and much more!
I know the grade results indicate anything less than 5 out of 5 requires additional prep work, but I think this test is more challenging than average. A 4 out of 5 is an excellent score on this sample…verbal or math. If you get 5 out of 5 you are probably really well prepared, but extra challenging problems and tips can never hurt especially when they cost you very little compared to other test prep options. You have only one chance to take the SHSAT & TJHSST exams this year and we have some material you don’t want to miss!
OUCH! I guess I need test prep! That was a little more challenging than the handbook exams. A lot!
Hey. I have a question about the bca exam. Is it harder than the sample test? What kind of questions will be on it?
Hi mdbeast,
Great name! The exam will have a wider variety of questions. Overall, some will be easier and some more difficult. In general, I believe student scores will be close to or slightly above recent practice exam results. Good luck!
If you don’t do very well on the exams, but have good grades and do a great interview, would you still have a chance to get in?
Hi Italo,
In theory that is possible. The exam is not the only criteria for admission. However, I would not want to take the risk of underperforming on one section and hope to be bailed out by the other parts of your application. Admission is very competitive and less than 1 in 5 applicants generally get accepted. I see you enrolled in the free level and took one exam several times. I suggest accessing more practice material with a subscription plan available for $35 or less now. Also, the best option in my opinion is to join a live online tutoring class for $99.95 per month (~$5/hr). It is an extremely competitive price for quality tutoring and the best way to make sure you are as well prepared for the exam as possible.
I have a question. I’m really strong in math but language arts isn’t my best but I can still do good. What are some ways to structure the essay to score the most points possible? Also, what are some things I have to do in the interview so that I can get it?
Hi nnisha,
It is properly stated, “I can do well.” Good is an adjective, and well is an adverb modifying the verb “do” in this case. If you are a subscriber, you will have access tutorials on structuring essays, and you can also practice essays and have them reviewed. Additionally, we have tutoring classes that cover essay writing and even a special class to review and practice your interview skills.