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    1. The question reads as follows.
      A clock loses 1 second every minute. It is set to the correct time at 10 AM on February 4. In which month is the next day on which it shows the correct time?

      If the clock loses 1 sec every minute, then at 10:01 AM, for example, the clock will show 10:00:59 AM. By 10:02 AM it will fall another second behind and show 10:01:58 AM and so on. If you have ever heard the phrase, “Even a broken clock tells time correctly two times per day,” you will realize the same concept applies here as well. One difference in this case is that the clock registers AM and PM so our broken clock will only tell time correctly once per day (sort of).

      At some point the accumulated errors on the clock will total 24 hours at which point the clock will tell the correct time again! The key to the question is to figure out when that will occur. One approach would be to calculate the number of 1 second errors that must add up to 24 hours and then adjust that numerical value to minutes (because 1 minute real time passes for every 1 second of error) and convert that to days, weeks or months to figure what month it will be when this occurs given the start date is February 4th. Extending that logic one step further, you may realize there is no need to even take the step of calculating how many seconds go into 24 hours because 1 minute or 60 seconds real time passes for every 1 second of error. If the clock tells time correctly again after 24 hours of total error then the real time passing is just 24 hours times (60 sec. real/1 sec. error) = 1 day x 60 = 60 days later. With or without leap year that should place the date in which month?

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